Monday, October 18, 2010

Idea Page 2 (artifact 12) - A 20-minute animation of the consumerist society, narrated by Anne Leonard, to view online or download.

Reflection questions:

1) a. What main topic does the artifact relates to? In what way?

ans: It relates to the building of the modern economy, because it talks about the pollution and problems in our world RESULTED in the building of modern cities, urbanization.

b. Which other main topic does it also relate to?

ans: Urbanization.

2) Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and /or processing it?

ans: It took me 2 hours to process it, I chose this idea page because it includes the quintessence of "the building of modern economy" in all of my idea pages, it is more complete and easy to understand.

3) What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?

ans: This is the notes I took from the story of stuff (the website I posted at the beginning of the page), it made me understand how much pollution human is causing. People always say that "polluted rivers, pollution, recycle, etc.", with the statistics provided in the story of stuff, and how poison is the world is pretty astounding.

4) Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?

ans: I think it reflects my best work, I really thought about the summary, extension ideas and make it pleasant to view.

5) Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5 (0 is neutral) for the following four criterion.

a. Impact on the quality of your portfolio.4

b. Impact on your level of enjoyment and happiness. 5

c. Impact on your learning. 3

d. Level of creativity and Originality. 2

ans: 3

6) Any additional comments.

ans: watch the story of stuff.

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