Monday, October 4, 2010

Primary Source Evaluation (Artifacts 1)
- website of the primary source

Q1: Who created it? (Is there anything we know about the author that is pertinent to our evaluation?)

A1: Robert Southey (1774-1843), a poet, historian and miscellaneous author, born at Bristol on 12th of August 1774. He died from the effects of a fever on 21st of March in 1843.
Q2: When was it created?
A2: It was created in 1807.
Q3: When was it published?
A3: It was published in 1807.
Q4: Where was it published?
A4: It was published in England.
Q5: Who was publishing it?
A5: Robert Southey was publishing it.
Q1: Why does this document exist? What does the document “say”? Why did the author create this piece of work? What is the intent?
A1: Robert Southey wants to illustrate that there had been concern among some elements of society about the employment of children in factories and the long hours to which they were subjected.
Q2: Why did the author choose this particular format?
A2: It is a dialogue between himself and a Manchester entrepreneur, to tell what is happening in first account, to make it sound more credible.
Q3: Who is the intended audience? Who was the author thinking would receive this?
A3: The Body politics of all countries around the globe.
Q4: Can it tell you more than is on the surface?
A4: Yes, the author is implying a need for change.
Q1: What can we tell about the author from the piece?
A1: We can tell that the author is an upper class person, he uses the word poor, he questions how the poor is treated, and he sees himself as a judge of character, he says, “ Mr. -------, a man of humane and kindly nature”. During this period in the British Empire, you were not allowed to judge anyone that has a higher caste or hierarchy than you do. He is also an educated individual, perhaps an entrepreneur, and he is definitely interested in social welfare.
Q2: What can we tell about the time period from the piece?
A2: Earth 19th century would be the time period when this piece is produced.
Q3: Under what circumstances was the piece created and how does the piece reflect those
A3: It’s a letter in which Southey describes what he saw during his visit to Manchester, he wants to describe the life in England for poor children.
Q4: What can we tell about any controversies from the piece?
A4: There are four kinds of controversy discussed in this source.
                      1. Family size – enough jobs for all
          2. Employment- apprenticeship and child labour
           3. Social welfare for children – sufficient food and shelter
                      4. Reputation of England – kind and humane place
Q5: Does the author represent a particular ‘side’ of a controversy or event?
A5: I think he is neutral, he means it is okay as long as the children are taken care of – have clothes to wear, food to eat, place to live.
Q6: What can we tell about the author’s perspectives from the piece?
A6: This passage is written in third person objective, simply stating facts, describing what happened.
Q7: What was going on in history at the time the piece was created and how does this piece accurately reflect it?
A7: Pre- industrial revolution, very labour intensive, needs many people because there is no machine.
Q1: What part of the story can we NOT tell from this document?
A1: Why is he in Manchester? What is the purpose of this letter? Why is he concentrating on children in the industrial settings, why does not he talk more about the farming settings.
Q2: How could we verify the content of the piece?
A2: We can not verify the content of the piece, it’s purely hearsay.
Q3: Does this piece inaccurately reflect anything about the time period?
A3: No, it does not inaccurately reflect anything about the time period in this piece; but it suppose a great deal.
Q4: What does the author leave out and why does he/she leave it out (if you know)?
A4: He left out the negative examples, because he sis not want to disprove his own point about hoe wonderful England is.
Q5: What is purposely not addressed?
A5: Why children should be working without being educated?

Reflection questions:

1) a. What main topic does the artifact relates to? In what way?
     ans: This artifact relates to the building of the modern economy, because it discusses about industry   and hiring workers (children).
     b. Which other main topic does it also relate to?
     ans: It also relates to class consciousess and invention, ingenuity, entrepreneurs.
2) Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and /or processing it?
ans: I did not choose this artifact, Mr. Kinzer did, so I paired up with Sabrina and did it. I spend around 90 minutes doing this artifact.
3) What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
ans: the primary source provides us insight on the problems of child labouring and the state of affairs in factories in 19th century Grest Britain. 
4) Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
ans: I think it did reflect my best work and ideas, because I had a lot of time to think about it.
5) Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5 (0 is neutral) for the following four criterion.
    a. Impact on the quality of your portfolio. 4
    b. Impact on your level of enjoyment and happiness. 1
    c. Impact on your learning. 3
    d. Level of creativity and Originality. 4
    ans: 2.
6) Any additional comments.
    ans: No comment. 

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